Turkey Dinner A rafter of turkeys floats through the yard having determined that it is fair game to pick at the remaining scraps of berries and morsels left among the vegetation, since no one else claimed them and they had once again forgotten to bring leftover containers. Words and images by Michael J. Hall

Mushroom cluster Poisonous, hallucinogenic, or edible? Perfectly safe honey-colored Agaric or the quite deadly Galerina? With four of the six most common species in this region being toxic, why risk it? You can enjoy their richly layered, earthy visual texture over and over again from a safe distance either way. Words and images by Michael... Continue Reading →

Green dragonfly ii A lone green dragonfly deftly rests among burgundy leaves,which show through its transparent wings - this is one last desperate attempt to attract a mate before the season ends and the lineage fades with it. Words and images by Michael J. Hall

Changing garden Psychedelic colors and textures abound, overwhelming visual senses, nearly to the point of needing a warning message because of the affects it may have upon the viewer. Words and images by Michael J. Hall

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